After the general motors bankruptcy , CIT bankruptcy protection is the next biggest event In the bankruptcy News after it filed for Bankruptcy protection on NOV 1 2009 . After struggling for months to avert bankruptcy, lender CIT Group has filed for Chapter 11 protection in an attempt to restructure its debt while trying to keep badly needed loans flowing to thousands of mid-sized and small businesses. CIT FILES FOR BANKRUPOTCY PROTECTION AT 71 Billion its going to affect a lott of people if it goes through to bankruptcy. THE US GOVT will stand to lose about $us 2.3 Billion if CIT collapses. It invested this amount last year to save it from collapsing. AVERT BANKRUPTCY CIT Does a chapter 11 Filing in the US Cit filed for Bankruptcy protection in New york after it failed a debt exchange offer to shareholders. This bankruptcy protection filing is one of the biggest after the lehman brothers , washington mutual , Wor...
All About Bank Repossession, Bankruptcy,Bank House Auctions, Liquidation and Foreclosure.