It would appear that repossesions are a good way to get a property under current market value, however how would you find out about them ? Is this information available to all of us ? Is the purchase any different because it's a repo ie are lenders a bit more wary ? Solutions : If it property is being reposessed the seller (mortgage company) also considers the speed of sale - if they "could" get a higher price with another buyer they will also consider how quickly the sale could go through. Therefore some latitude is given to agents in what offer is accepted (eg an agent can say that buyer "x" is well known to them and can proceed quickly. Buyer "b" offered 10k more but is an unknown quantity. Bank Repossesion Houses List Database These days repo's don't really go much cheaper we had one only 3 months ago and it went well over asking price. If you were to ask an agent to give you a call when one is available its very r...
All About Bank Repossession, Bankruptcy,Bank House Auctions, Liquidation and Foreclosure.
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